
Jul 31, 2009

Nature Reserve Orelyak

South of unassailable marble ridge of Northern Pirin the mountain is getting low to its medium parts. There is the Nature Reserve Orelyak with an area of about 850 ha. The Protected Area was declared in 1985 to be preserved beech forests typical for this part of the mountain and popular Pirinski tea.
The boundary of the reserve in the main mountain passes either north from the top. The most eastern parts of the area are located along the Lazhnichkata River, a tributary of the river Marevo. The reserve is situated at an altitude of 900 to 1800 m /2952 to 5905 ft/, covering a large height range.

The main task of the reserve is the conservation of elite beech forests called Montenegro. Their average age is over 150 years, but they are extremely deep. In the lower parts of the protected area are hornbeam tree species and water Mazhdryan. At height of about 1700 meters /5577 ft/ there are small areas of white fir. Important species are endemic sharplaninska-rupa, golden yarrow, Macedonian kamenolomka and others.


Despite the small territory of the reserve the animal world is very varied. This is due to the high altitude. The most common species are Greek leggy frog, salamander, wild, wolf, brown bear, fox, deer.


In the buffer zone of the nature reserve Orelyak is prince of Middle Pirin Orelyak peak / 2099 m, 6886 ft /. It is met by the names Orelek, Orlov rocks, too. Top up the main mountain, north and northwest of Baba Chala Mt. Orelyak has a dome shape of Triglav and it was rocky and naked. Western slopes are steep and vertically to the valley of the river Bistrica Pirinska and in south-eastern slantingly to the "good field". At the top is based broadcasting repeater, which allows not reaching the highest point. Main starting point up to the peak is Popovi meadows place. The transition is marked trail for 2 hours or 12 - km /7,5 miles/ gravelly road.


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